Category: Interactive Exhibitions
Client: Mutek Festival
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2020

Mutek International Festival, is a leading event in electronic music, embarked on a quest for a unique interactive experience that would merge sound and art at its festival. The commission was to create an interactive installation that would allow attendees to play with sound and art, immersing them in an unparalleled sensory journey.

The result was a sanctuary installation composed of stones. When people touched a stone, sensors were activated, triggering a multisensory experience. Elements connected to the stones, such as texture and moisture, were projected at the center of the installation through audiovisuals and sound, creating a stunning garden of sand and rock.

The installation relied on innovative technology: touch-activated sensors that conveyed information through conductive ink. Each stone triggered audiovisuals that were mapped onto the center of the installation and a unique sound played through the headphones of those interacting with it. This technique allowed for a deep immersion into the sensory world of electronic music and art.