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Coin d'Amour

Interactive Experience


At Sónar+D, we created an innovative
electronic installation exploring the
connection between body and art,
focusing on AI’s impact.

At Sónar+D, we created an innovative electronic
installation exploring the connection between
body and art, focusing on AI’s impact.
Project main image

Interactive Body Sensations

For Sónar+D, we designed an interactive
installation that delved into the connection
between the body and art, emphasizing the
impact of artificial intelligence. A statistical
study analyzed sensations when touching
different body parts, translating them into
graphic and auditory experiences.

For Sónar+D, we designed an interactive
installation that delved into the connection
between the body and art, emphasizing the
impact of artificial intelligence.
A statistical study analyzed sensations
when touching different body parts,
translating them into graphic and auditory
experiences using creative coding tools.